A weak pound

6 October, 2022 | News

Although it has recovered slightly following the additional rate tax cut reversal, the pound is still far below its longer-term average against the dollar. Last week it hit an all-time low of 1.04$ compared to 1.36$ a year ago. As the majority of long-term investment growth is driven by equity returns, we look at the […]

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Mortgages and the Self Employed

27 July, 2022 | News

The Self Employed and Business owners have an extra consideration when it comes to Mortgages. Here we look at what you need to obtain a mortgage. Three Requirements Whether Employed or Self Employed In order to obtain mortgage there are three Main requirements. The first two are consistent whether you are employed or self employed […]

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Investing During High Inflation

7 July, 2022 | News

Inflation is at the forefront of concern for governments, corporations and individuals. As an investor one primary objective is to grow your money in real terms, to do so your return must be greater than inflation. So how to you invest during high inflation?. Whilst long term investment returns have done this consistently in modern […]

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COP 26 and The Investment Industry

21 November, 2021 | News

Political considerations aside, the COP26 summit shows clear intent for governments to start to tackle climate change. This is not only bought on by a common consensus to protect the planet but it would not exist if there wasn’t a strong social sentiment and public will to make changes. This public sentiment and future government […]

Read 'COP 26 and The Investment Industry'

Quarterly Investment Update May 2021

30 May, 2021 | News

This quarter has seen the bulk of the global vaccine rollout beginning with the UK leading the G7 economies with its vaccine program. The evidence currently suggests that the vaccine has been effective at reducing infection rates, allowing countries with high vaccination rates to start to ease restrictions with lower infections than previous easing of […]

Read 'Quarterly Investment Update May 2021'

Budget Summary March 2021

4 March, 2021 | News

Please find below a summary of the Budget for March 2021 Budget Summary March 2021  

Read 'Budget Summary March 2021'

Quarterly Investment Insight

25 February, 2021 | News

Can a Negative be Positive? Silvana Tenreyro, a policy maker at the Bank of England, has recently come out in favour of negative interest rates as a method to boost the UK economy out of COVID-19. The Bank of England Base Rate is the amount of interest the Bank of England pays financial institutions who […]

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Quarterly Investment Committee Newsletter

11 November, 2020 | News

A lot has changed since the United Kingdom initially went into its first lockdown in March. After the initial market turbulence, we continue to ensure our clients investments are well positioned and suit their circumstances. Over the past 3 months the UK stock market has generally been in a slow decline until the positive news […]

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Investment Newsletter September 2020

18 September, 2020 | News

Where do we go from here? At the beginning of the year we would have seen opinions ranging from “COVID-19 doesn’t exist” to “The whole world is going to end”. Now with more understanding about the health effects of the virus and how it may impact the economy we can take a more balanced view. […]

Read 'Investment Newsletter September 2020'

The Mini Budget Summary

13 July, 2020 | News

Rishi released a ‘Mini Budget’ as we are slowly recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic and I enclose some of the key points for your perusal: Job Retention Bonus. This follows on from the current Job retention scheme. This is a one-off payment of £1,000 to employers that have used the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) […]

Read 'The Mini Budget Summary'